Define risk levels

The speed and aggressiveness in which your AI agent will trade is solely based off of your comfort level. Your AI agent will not initiate any trades that you are not comfortable with. Every trader has a certain level of risk they are comfortable with. After you teach your AI agent your comfort level it will only work within those pre-defined areas. Your security and profitability is the most important thing to your AI agent.

Set up your wallets

Your AI agent will be moving multiple types of coins over multiple platforms. In an effort to generate you money, it will contract to work for you. We will help you set up the necessary wallets and connections needed so your AI agent can do this effectively. Think of having multiple bank accounts with money in each, where you transfer money back and forth to make a profit.

Turn your trading AI agent lose

Based on your set up, your AI agent will begin making micro-trades instantly. It will use the parameters you put in place to buy, sell, and leverage the best cryptocurrency to make the most profit for you. You will not need to manage or even watch trades. Trades will all be done automatically through your AI agent.

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